Linux / Unix / VMS equivalencies


So you’re dumped in Brazil (VMS) and all you speak is English (Windows) and Spanish (Linux), how do you get by?

A universal translator, of course:


There’s also a VMS to Unix cheat-sheet:

and another:

setting security/ownership in VMS:

tiny gotchas that you might not expect:

  • case insensitive
  • no
  • VMS has no set mount points, so you have to explicitly state which disk is being referenced in a command:
$ create/directory [.tmp]
$ copy dsa0: [.tmp]x.tmp
$ copy dsa0: [.tmp]y.tmp
$ copy dsa0: [.tmp]z.tmp

This creates a directory, .tmp, and three files inside it, x.tmp, y.tmp, z.tmp.


AIX Cheat-sheet:

AIX Cheat-sheet: [PDF]

AIX Cheat-sheet:

AIX documentation: 

AIX Admin’s blog, full of AIX tips and tricks: (I haven’t used it but it’s the type of quick and to-the-point howto that I find most useful.)

a text file cheat-sheet — quick and dirty, no-nonsense:



The biggest caveat when going to Solaris from Linux is that a lot of the tools you expect are missing (ie, not installed by default) or different (ie, you’re expecting GNU versions). The easiest way to deal is to install the gnu tools and set them in your path. That said, Solaris 10 is less of a PITA than older versions (9, 8….or heaven forfend: SunOS).

Here is a fast and dirty “why doesn’t this work / how do I do this?” for Solaris:

IBM redbooks, learn it, love it: [PDF]

Lesser Known Solaris Features:


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